Apologies and Non-Apologies: The Rules
OK folks, it is time to set down some rules about apologies. Almost every week some prominent person, politician, or official is in the news for something they said, or did, which was offensive to the...
View ArticleR T F D
We are very fond of describing this place as a "Reality Based Community". There are those who decry this description, alleging variously that people live in an alternate reality or that reality is,...
View Article“Hate the sin, love the sinner” is a crock
To some people, that will be an obvious observation; and to others, a hideous lie. Still, it shows up so often that it needs saying. The concept of hating the sin but loving the sinner is a duplicitous...
View ArticleBetter Know a Fallacy: Argument by (false) Analogy
I wrote another diary -- all about how it's very human to be anti-Rationalist and how there is one form of anti-Rationalism that is actually healthful -- but that was so boring that even I decided that...
View ArticleWhy Do We Tolerate Oppressive Conditions?
This diary began as a comment responding to a comment in Ray Pensador's most recent diary on how propaganda controls people and ballooned into a diary of its own. While I do not at all discount the...
View ArticleStudies on Metaphorical Associations Affecting Choices
Those who want to understand how human mental processes subconsciously affect our actions - and to think about how this can impact political perspectives - may want to read this article at the...
View ArticleIs and Ought - Amateur Philosophy Hour and Gay Rights
I've hated philosophy since high school. My favorite subjects in high school were History and Mathematics. Those were the two subjects I felt you could truly "know" something about the real world. I...
View ArticleJust make a cogent argument
ad infinitum I guess I don't spend enough time around here to understand what all the hullabaloo is with there being an apparent schism between the left and the center (? I'm sort of guessing that this...
View ArticleWhat's in a Name? Study shows we need to call it 'Global Warming' to convey...
Republicans are more effective in using emotionally evocative language than Democrats usually have been. They've taken the lessons consultants like Frank Luntz has taught them to heart. Democrats and...
View ArticleExcuse me. Words matter.
Israeli soldier kidnapped?Israeli soldier feared kidnapped as IDF names 2 others killed By YAAKOV LAPPIN LAST UPDATED: 08/01/2014 17:34 inShare2 Sec.-Lt. Hadar Goldin named as presumably abducted...
View ArticleKossacks_for_Sanders Will Not Be Silenced on March 15th
Quick! Hello, I am the new moderator of Kossacks_for_Sanders on Reddit (no cringing; it is as good as its moderation and can handle traffic and dialogue) and I want you to come be with us:...
View ArticleMaybe tone deaf, but at least singing the right song...
I suspect this might get a bit contentious, but it’s a contentious issue.I also suspect that there will be a bunch of Candidate vs. Candidate sniping — not welcome or interesting.I frankly don’t care...
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